Website Marketing
Promote, Promote, Promote your Website

Having a website is great… Having a website that people see is just as important
More visitors, more leads and more ROI. That is what we look at with regard to how to market and promote your website once it is complete.
Creating an effective mix of marketing tools that build brand awareness and drive customers to your business. We offer a variety of marketing techniques that you can pick and choose from to better suite your needs.
From SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to email campaigns and some of the more traditional methods of marketing, we will work with you hand-in-hand to make sure that your site is getting the exposure needed to be successful online.
SEO and the endless and ever changing world of optimization algorithms.
When reVITALized Web Design first started, there were about 13,000 websites in the entire WORLD. There were two main search engines, Yahoo! and Web Crawler. Getting to the top of a page was a very simple process back then, with the “build it and they will come” mentality in full force. And people would come, if for no other reason than to see what the newest site did.
Today, we have dozens and dozens of search engines, with Google being the dominant around the world. There are approximately 5 MILLION websites coming online every WEEK. The competition has become fierce to get businesses to the top in a cost-effective manner. Add to that the fact that engines like Google are continually changing the rules (called algorithms) that put websites on their database. So at reVITALized, we work diligently to make sure that we dot the i’s, cross the t’s and provide our customers the best possible chance of having their site prominently listed.

Additional Marketing Services We Can Help You With

Local SEO and Ads

Content Creation

Multimedia Applications